Coworking Milan Piranesi Collabo
The impeccable Coworking service, between the center of Milan and Linate City Airport
Close to Porta Vittoria freelancers can find a comfortable and well-equipped Coworking space, with workstations, a full privacy office and meeting rooms. The space can also be used as a location for events.
Reaching Cowo® Milano Piranesi Collabo is very simple: the Coworking is perfectly connected with the city (easily reachable by public transport).
Call now: 0039 3396326278 / 3356846192
INFO • Very comfortable open space • Workstations • Meeting room • Area for training courses
COMMUNITY • Professional community of varied backgrounds. Coworking Manager: Marco Giaggeri
NETWORK • The Milano Piranesi Collabo Coworking Space is part of the Rete COWO® Coworking Network. The project, founded in 2008, aggregates over 100 spaces and a professional community of 20,000 entrepreneurs, freelancers, independent workers.